
\ Forth to HTML converter
\ Brad Eckert
\ Revision 2. See bottom for revision history.

\ This ANS Forth program is public domain. It translates ANS Forth to colorized
\ HTML. Hyperlinks to the ANS Forth draft standard are inserted for all ANS
\ standard words. Hyperlinks to user definitions are included.

\ Usage: HTML FileName       Generates HTML file from Forth source
\                            output file is Filename with .HTM extension
\        Q [forth code]      Outputs HTML for 1 line to screen

\ Q is used for debugging. You can use "linenum ?" to show the line number if an
\ ABORT occurs. The HTML is about 10 times as big as the Forth source because of
\ all the links, color changes and whitespace.

\ INCLUDEd files produce corresponding HTML pages. Most browsers get severely
\ bogged down with large files. If you're converting a large Forth program to
\ HTML, try to keep the source files under 500 lines each by splitting long
\ source into multiple INCLUDE files. HTML pages are best viewed with Internet
\ Explorer or Netscape 4.7. Netscape 6 is more sluggish with large files.


\ path to the ANS-Files
\ create dpans-path ," ./"
create dpans-path ," C:\Programme\Win32For\V609xx - CVS\htm\"

: undefined ( <name> -- f ) BL WORD FIND NIP 0= ;
undefined +PLACE [IF] : +PLACE 2DUP 2>R COUNT CHARS + SWAP MOVE 2R> C+! ; [THEN]
undefined PLACE  [IF] : PLACE  0 OVER C! +PLACE ;                         [THEN]
undefined FDROP  [IF] : FDROP ;                                           [THEN]
undefined >FLOAT [IF] : >FLOAT DROP C@ [CHAR] 0 [CHAR] 9 1+ WITHIN ;      [THEN]

0 VALUE outf                                    \ output to file
1 VALUE screen-only                             \ screen is for testing
: werr  abort" Error writing file" ;
: out   screen-only IF type    ELSE outf WRITE-FILE werr THEN ;
: outln screen-only IF type cr ELSE outf WRITE-LINE werr THEN ;

: /a      ( -- )         attrib @ IF S" </a>" out THEN 0 attrib ! ;
: ,$      ( a len -- )   DUP C, BOUNDS ?DO I C@ C, LOOP ; \ text to dictionary
: text    ( <text> -- )  -1 WORD COUNT -TRAILING ,$ ;
: line    ( a line# -- ) 0 ?DO COUNT + LOOP COUNT out ;   \ output one string
: boiler  ( addr -- )    BEGIN COUNT DUP WHILE 2DUP + >R outln R> REPEAT 2DROP ;

CREATE misctext                                 \ various attribute strings
  text <a style="text-decoration:none" href=
  text <a name="
  text ">
  text <a href="#
  text " style="text-decoration:none">
  text <font color="#
  text <font color="#000000"><hr><h1>
  text </h1><hr>
  text "
  0 c,

VARIABLE color                                  \ current color

: fontcolor ( color -- ) BASE @ >R              \ change font color
  misctext 5 line 0 HEX <# # # # # # # #> out
  misctext 2 line       R> BASE ! ;

: col ( color <name> -- )                       \ define a font color
  CREATE , DOES> @ color ! ;

808080 col unknown
008000 col commentary
CC0000 col numeric
990080 col values
000000 col userwords
009999 col userdefiner
CC00CC col variables
0000FF col core_ws
0000FF col core_ext_ws
0000FF col block_ws
0000FF col double_ws
0000FF col exception_ws
0000FF col facilities_ws
0000FF col file_ws
0000FF col fp_ws
0000FF col local_ws
0000FF col malloc_ws
0000FF col progtools_ws
0000FF col searchord_ws
0000FF col string_ws

CREATE begin_header                             \ begin of HTML file part 1
  text <html> <head>
  text <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;">
  text <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Forth2HTML 0.0">
  text <title>
  0 C,

\ body defaults: the most common link color (blue) is made the default color
\ the most common plain text color (green) is made default.

CREATE mid_header                               \ begin of HTML file part 2
  text </title></head>
  text <body bgcolor="#FFFFEE" link="0000FF" vlink="0000FF" alink="0000FF">
  text <pre>
  0 C,

CREATE end_header                               \ end of HTML file
  text </pre></body>
  text </html>
  0 C,

: setcolor ( -- )                               \ select next color
  attrib @ 1 = color @ 0000FF = AND 0=         \ blue link: don't color
  IF color @ fontcolor THEN ;

VARIABLE bltally
: outh   ( a n -- )                             \ HTMLized text output
  999 bltally !
     [CHAR] & OF S" &amp;"  out ENDOF
     [CHAR] < OF S" &lt;"   out ENDOF
     [CHAR] > OF S" &gt;"   out ENDOF
     [CHAR] " OF S" &quot;" out ENDOF
     BL       OF bltally @ 0= IF S"  " ELSE S" &nbsp;" THEN out
               1 bltally +!     ENDOF
     I 1 out   0 bltally !

: label  ( addr len -- ) /a                     \ associate a label with a word
  misctext 1 line outh
  misctext 2 line 1 attrib ! ;

: "out   ( -- )                                 \ output a "
  misctext 8 line

: new-line ( -- )                               \ start a new line (December 30th, 2003 - dbu)
\   S" <br>" outln
   13 here dup>r C! 10 r@ char+ C! r> 2 out

: std    ( word color <string> -- )
  DOES> /a DUP >R  2 CELLS +
  misctext 0 line                              \ begin hyperlink
  R> BASE !
  "out dpans-path count out \ write path to ANS-Files (December 30th, 2003 - dbu)
  CASE                               \ choose file name
      6 OF S" dpans6.htm#"  out ENDOF
      7 OF S" dpans7.htm#"  out ENDOF
      8 OF S" dpans8.htm#"  out ENDOF
      9 OF S" dpans9.htm#"  out ENDOF
     10 OF S" dpans10.htm#" out ENDOF
     11 OF S" dpans11.htm#" out ENDOF
     12 OF S" dpans12.htm#" out ENDOF
     13 OF S" dpans13.htm#" out ENDOF
     14 OF S" dpans14.htm#" out ENDOF
     15 OF S" dpans15.htm#" out ENDOF
     16 OF S" dpans16.htm#" out ENDOF
     17 OF S" dpans17.htm#" out ENDOF
     ABORT" Undefined source file"
  ENDCASE  out "out s" >" out
  1 attrib !
  R> 2@ SWAP EXECUTE EXECUTE ;                 \ extra attributes

: genHTML ( -- )                                \ generate pending HTML
  PAD COUNT DUP IF setcolor THEN outh /a  0 PAD ! ;

: isnumber? ( addr len -- f )                   \ string converts to number?

: hparse ( a len char -- a' len' )

\ size for XPAD and EPAD increased to avoid crashes in
\ files with long lines December 30th, 2003 - dbu
CREATE XPAD 1024 CHARS ALLOT                     \ temporary pad for word storage
CREATE EPAD 1024 CHARS ALLOT                     \ temporary pad for evaluation

: >XPAD ( -- ) PAD COUNT BL SKIP XPAD PLACE ;   \ move to temporary pad

: hint  ( addr len -- )                         \ interpret one line...
     0 PAD !  BL hparse PAD C@
  WHILE unknown                                \ default color
     >XPAD XPAD COUNT hyperlinks SEARCH-WORDLIST \ got a hyperlink for this?
        R> DEPTH <> ABORT" stack depth change in HTML generator"
        XPAD COUNT BASE @ 10 = IF
           >FLOAT IF FDROP numeric THEN        \ valid float or integer
           isnumber? IF numeric THEN
     THEN genHTML
  new-line ;                             \ new line

CREATE fn    128 CHARS ALLOT                    \ file name
CREATE fn1   128 CHARS ALLOT                    \ file name backup
CREATE pstr  128 CHARS ALLOT                    \ parsed string storage
CREATE uname  64 CHARS ALLOT                    \ : definition name
0 VALUE inf
VARIABLE nufile                                 \ T if nesting a file
VARIABLE utype                                  \ type of defined word
VARIABLE linenum
VARIABLE special                                \ special action, 0=none

: ofn   ( -- addr len )                         \ output file name

: hcreate ( addr len -- )
  EPAD COUNT EVALUATE    R> SET-CURRENT ;      \ create a hyperlink generator

\ The user defined words use the following data structure:
\ CELL   xt of coloring word
\ STRING name of reference word
\ STRING name of file

: deflink ( addr -- )                           \ make hyperlink from data structure
  DUP @ EXECUTE CELL+                          \ set color
  DUP COUNT + COUNT ofn COMPARE                \ in an external file?
  IF   misctext 0 line DUP COUNT + COUNT out   \ yes, put file name
       S" #" out COUNT outh S" >" out
  ELSE misctext 3 line COUNT outh              \ no, just use the name
       misctext 4 line
  THEN 1 attrib ! ;

: defx  ( a len xt -- a' len' )
  >R genHTML BL hparse >XPAD                   \ output defining word
  XPAD COUNT 2DUP hcreate R> , ,$ ofn ,$
  DOES> deflink ;

: labelnow   genHTML XPAD COUNT label ;
: defdat ['] numeric   defx numeric   labelnow ;
: defvar ['] variables defx variables labelnow ;
: defusr ['] userwords defx userwords labelnow ;
: defval ['] values    defx values    labelnow ;
: defdef ['] userdefiner defx userdefiner labelnow ;

: hstate=0 ( -- )             0 hstate ! ;
: hstate=1 ( -- )             1 hstate ! ;
: spec=zero ( -- )            1 special ! ;
: skip)  ( a len -- a' len' ) [CHAR] ) hparse ;
: skipw  ( a len -- a' len' ) BL hparse ;
: skipc  ( a len -- a len )   hstate @ 0= IF numeric skipw THEN ;
: skip"  ( a len -- a' len' )                   \ copy string to pstr
  genHTML [CHAR] " hparse PAD COUNT 1- pstr PLACE ;

\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ ":" definitions might be defining words, so they can't be assumed to be defusr
\ types. ":" makes a label and saves the name for later use by ";" which makes
\ a hyperlink or a hyperlink defining word.

:NONAME                                         \ normal : definition
  uname COUNT ['] userwords defx 2DROP  0 PAD !
; CONSTANT normal_def

  uname COUNT 2DUP hcreate ['] userwords , ,$ ofn ,$
  DOES> deflink defdef
; CONSTANT defining_def

: defunk ( a len -- a' len' )                   \ starting unknown definition
  hstate=1  normal_def utype !                 \ save name of : definition
  genHTML skipw userwords PAD COUNT BL SKIP 2DUP uname PLACE label ;

: resunk ( -- )                                 \ resolve unknown defined word
  genHTML utype @ EXECUTE hstate=0 ;

: created ( -- ) hstate @
  IF   defining_def utype !                    \ make ; create a defining word
  ELSE defdat                                  \ not compiling
  THEN ;

\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

: header  ( addr len -- )                       \ output big header text
  misctext 6 line outln misctext 7 line ;

: _incfil ( addr -- )                           \ trigger file nesting
  fn COUNT fn1 PLACE COUNT BL SKIP fn place 1 nufile ! ;

: incfile ( a len -- a' len' )                  \ include a file
  genHTML skipw PAD _incfil ;

: "incfil ( a len -- a' len' )                  \ include file from S" filename"
  skipw pstr _incfil ;

: hfill  ( -- len )                             \ read next line of file
  inbuf 256 inf READ-LINE ABORT" Error reading file" ;

: open  ( -- ) cr ." Reading " fn COUNT type ."  at line " linenum @ .
  0 linenum !
  fn COUNT R/O OPEN-FILE ABORT" Error opening source file" to inf ;

: close  ( -- ) cr ." closing " fn COUNT type
  inf CLOSE-FILE ABORT" Error closing file" ;

: oopen  ( -- )
  ofn W/O CREATE-FILE ABORT" Error creating file" to outf
  begin_header boiler                          \ begin boilerplate
  fn COUNT outln  mid_header boiler            \ title and end boilerplate
  fn COUNT header ;

: HTML  ( <infile> -- )
  0 TO screen-only  0 nufile !                 \ force usage of file
\ 1 TO screen-only
  BL WORD COUNT fn PLACE open oopen            \ open input and output files
  -1 DUP >R outf >R                            \ file nest uses stacks
     BEGIN 0 special !                         \ process line
        nufile @                               \ nest a file?
        IF   inf outf
             open oopen  outf >R               \ open new files
             0 nufile !
        THEN hfill
     WHILE inbuf SWAP hint 1 linenum +!
     close fn1 COUNT fn PLACE                  \ restore file name
     DUP -1 <>
     IF   TO outf TO inf FALSE                 \ unnest files
  BEGIN R> DUP -1 <>                           \ close all output files
  WHILE end_header boiler                      \ finish up HTML
     close-file ABORT" Error closing file"

: q  ( -- ) 1 TO screen-only                    \ single line test
  -1 word count inbuf place inbuf count hint ;

\ 0 [IF] is often used as a comment. If it is used as a comment, scan the file
\ for a [THEN]. [THEN] must be on the next line or beyond.

: upp ( an--) BOUNDS ?DO I C@ [CHAR] a > IF I C@ 32 - I C! THEN LOOP \ uppercase

: bigif  ( a len -- a len )  special @ 1 =
  IF    genHTML commentary setcolor outh       \ finish up this line
     BEGIN hfill      new-line
     WHILE >R inbuf EPAD R@ MOVE
        EPAD R@ upp                            \ uppercase for search
        EPAD R@ S" [THEN]" SEARCH
        IF   DROP EPAD - inbuf OVER PAD PLACE  \ before [THEN] is comment
             inbuf R> ROT /STRING EXIT
        ELSE 2DROP inbuf R> outh               \ whole line is comment
     REPEAT DROP -1 ABORT" Missing [THEN]"
  THEN ;

\ handle multi-line comments
\ (( )) and comment: comment; are often used as multi-line comments in win32forth.
\ )) or comment; must be on the next line or beyond.
variable mlc-stop

: (mlc) ( a -- )
     mlc-stop !
     commentary setcolor genHTML outh       \ finish up this line
     BEGIN hfill    new-line
     WHILE >R inbuf EPAD R@ MOVE
        EPAD R@ upp                            \ uppercase for search
        EPAD R@ mlc-stop @ count SEARCH
        IF   DROP mlc-stop @ count nip + EPAD - inbuf OVER PAD PLACE  \ before )) and )) is comment
             inbuf R> ROT /STRING EXIT
        ELSE 2DROP inbuf R> outh               \ whole line is comment
     REPEAT DROP ." Missing " mlc-stop @ count type ABORT

: mlc ( <string> -- ) \ handle a multi line comment
  DOES>  (mlc) ;

\ =============================================================================


hyperlinks SET-CURRENT
\ The following words are not in the ANS standard but are very common.
: VOCABULARY    defusr ;
: DEFER         defusr ;
: INCLUDE       hstate @ 0= IF incfile THEN ;
: FLOAD         hstate @ 0= IF incfile THEN ;
: BINARY        2 BASE ! ;
: OCTAL         8 BASE ! ;
: 0             numeric spec=zero ;
: 1             numeric  ;
: -1            numeric  ;

\ The following words are not in the ANS standard but are used in Win32Forth
: ANEW          skipw ;
mlc ((          ))

\ The rest is ANS Forth standard

: \             commentary genHTML PAD PLACE  PAD 0 ;

(   NAME                ACTION  COLOR           REFERENCE   )
(   ------------------  ------  --------------  ----------- )
std !                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0010
std #                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0030
std #>                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0040
std #S                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0050
std '                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0070
std (                   skip)   commentary      6.1.0080
std *                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0090
std */                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0100
std */MOD               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0110
std +                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0120
std +!                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0130
std +LOOP               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0140
std ,                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0150
std -                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0160
std .                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0180
std ."                  skip"   numeric         6.1.0190
std /                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0230
std /MOD                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0240
std 0<                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0250
std 0=                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0270
std 1+                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0290
std 1-                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0300
std 2!                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0310
std 2*                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0320
std 2/                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0330
std 2@                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0350
std 2DROP               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0370
std 2DUP                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0380
std 2OVER               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0400
std 2SWAP               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0430
std :                   defunk  core_ws         6.1.0450
std ;                   resunk  core_ws         6.1.0460
std <                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0480
std <#                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0490
std =                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0530
std >                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0540
std >BODY               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0550
std >IN                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0560
std >NUMBER             NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0570
std >R                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0580
std ?DUP                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0630
std @                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0650
std ABORT               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0670
std ABORT"              skip"   numeric         6.1.0680
std ABS                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0690
std ACCEPT              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0695
std ALIGN               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0705
std ALIGNED             NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0706
std ALLOT               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0710
std AND                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0720
std BASE                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0750
std BEGIN               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0760
std BL                  NOOP    numeric         6.1.0770
std C!                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0850
std C,                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0860
std C@                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0870
std CELL+               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0880
std CELLS               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0890
std CHAR                skipc   core_ws         6.1.0895
std CHAR+               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0897
std CHARS               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0898
std CONSTANT            defdat  core_ws         6.1.0950
std COUNT               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0980
std CR                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.0990
std CREATE              created core_ws         6.1.1000
std DECIMAL             DECIMAL core_ws         6.1.1170
std DEPTH               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1200
std DO                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1240
std DOES>               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1250
std DROP                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1260
std DUP                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1290
std ELSE                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1310
std EMIT                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1320
std ENVIRONMENT?        NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1345
std EVALUATE            NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1360
std EXECUTE             NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1370
std EXIT                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1380
std FILL                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1540
std FIND                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1550
std FM/MOD              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1561
std HERE                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1650
std HOLD                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1670
std I                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1680
std IF                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1700
std IMMEDIATE           NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1710
std INVERT              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1720
std J                   NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1730
std KEY                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1750
std LEAVE               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1760
std LITERAL             NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1780
std LOOP                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1800
std LSHIFT              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1805
std M*                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1810
std MAX                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1870
std MIN                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1880
std MOD                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1890
std MOVE                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1900
std NEGATE              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1910
std OR                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1980
std OVER                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.1990
std POSTPONE            NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2033
std QUIT                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2050
std R>                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2060
std R@                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2070
std RECURSE             NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2120
std REPEAT              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2140
std ROT                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2160
std RSHIFT              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2162
std S"                  skip"   numeric         6.1.2165
std S>D                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2170
std SIGN                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2210
std SM/REM              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2214
std SOURCE              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2216
std SPACE               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2220
std SPACES              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2230
std STATE               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2250
std SWAP                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2260
std THEN                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2270
std TYPE                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2310
std U.                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2320
std U<                  NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2340
std UM*                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2360
std UM/MOD              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2370
std UNLOOP              NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2380
std UNTIL               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2390
std VARIABLE            defvar  core_ws         6.1.2410
std WHILE               NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2430
std WORD                NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2450
std XOR                 NOOP    core_ws         6.1.2490
std [                  hstate=0 core_ws         6.1.2500
std [']                 skipw   numeric         6.1.2510
std [CHAR]              skipw   numeric         6.1.2520
std ]                  hstate=1 core_ws         6.1.2540
std #TIB                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0060
std .(                  skip)   commentary      6.2.0200
std .R                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0210
std 0<>                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0260
std 0>                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0280
std 2>R                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0340
std 2R>                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0410
std 2R@                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0415
std :NONAME             NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0455
std <>                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0500
std ?DO                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0620
std AGAIN               NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0700
std C"                  skip"   numeric         6.2.0855
std CASE                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0873
std COMPILE,            NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0945
std CONVERT             NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.0970
std ENDCASE             NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1342
std ENDOF               NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1343
std ERASE               NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1350
std EXPECT              NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1390
std FALSE             spec=zero numeric         6.2.1485
std HEX                 HEX     core_ext_ws     6.2.1660
std MARKER              defusr  core_ext_ws     6.2.1850
std NIP                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1930
std OF                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.1950
std PAD                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2000
std PARSE               NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2008
std PICK                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2030
std QUERY               NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2040
std REFILL              NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2125
std RESTORE-INPUT       NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2148
std ROLL                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2150
std SAVE-INPUT          NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2182
std SOURCE-ID           NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2218
std SPAN                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2240
std TIB                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2290
std TO                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2295
std TRUE                NOOP    numeric         6.2.2298
std TUCK                NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2300
std U.R                 NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2330
std U>                  NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2350
std UNUSED              NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2395
std VALUE               defval  core_ext_ws     6.2.2405
std WITHIN              NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2440
std [COMPILE]           NOOP    core_ext_ws     6.2.2530
std BLK                 NOOP    block_ws
std BLOCK               NOOP    block_ws
std BUFFER              NOOP    block_ws
std FLUSH               NOOP    block_ws
std LOAD                NOOP    block_ws
std SAVE-BUFFERS        NOOP    block_ws
std UPDATE              NOOP    block_ws
std EMPTY-BUFFERS       NOOP    block_ws
std LIST                NOOP    block_ws
std SCR                 NOOP    block_ws
std THRU                NOOP    block_ws
std 2CONSTANT           defdat  double_ws
std 2LITERAL            NOOP    double_ws
std 2VARIABLE           defvar  double_ws
std D+                  NOOP    double_ws
std D-                  NOOP    double_ws
std D.                  NOOP    double_ws
std D.R                 NOOP    double_ws
std D0<                 NOOP    double_ws
std D0=                 NOOP    double_ws
std D2*                 NOOP    double_ws
std D2/                 NOOP    double_ws
std D<                  NOOP    double_ws
std D=                  NOOP    double_ws
std D>S                 NOOP    double_ws
std DABS                NOOP    double_ws
std DMAX                NOOP    double_ws
std DMIN                NOOP    double_ws
std DNEGATE             NOOP    double_ws
std M*/                 NOOP    double_ws
std M+                  NOOP    double_ws
std 2ROT                NOOP    double_ws
std DU<                 NOOP    double_ws
std CATCH               NOOP    exception_ws
std THROW               NOOP    exception_ws
std AT-XY               NOOP    facilities_ws
std KEY?                NOOP    facilities_ws
std PAGE                NOOP    facilities_ws
std EKEY                NOOP    facilities_ws
std EKEY<CHAR           NOOP    facilities_ws
std EKEY?               NOOP    facilities_ws
std EMIT?               NOOP    facilities_ws
std MS                  NOOP    facilities_ws
std TIME&DATE           NOOP    facilities_ws
std BIN                 NOOP    file_ws
std CLOSE-FILE          NOOP    file_ws
std CREATE-FILE         NOOP    file_ws
std DELETE-FILE         NOOP    file_ws
std FILE-POSITION       NOOP    file_ws
std FILE-SIZE           NOOP    file_ws
std INCLUDE-FILE        NOOP    file_ws
std INCLUDED            "incfil file_ws
std OPEN-FILE           NOOP    file_ws
std R/O                 NOOP    file_ws
std R/W                 NOOP    file_ws
std READ-FILE           NOOP    file_ws
std READ-LINE           NOOP    file_ws
std REPOSITION-FILE     NOOP    file_ws
std RESIZE-FILE         NOOP    file_ws
std W/O                 NOOP    file_ws
std WRITE-FILE          NOOP    file_ws
std WRITE-LINE          NOOP    file_ws
std FILE-STATUS         NOOP    file_ws
std FLUSH-FILE          NOOP    file_ws
std RENAME-FILE         NOOP    file_ws
std >FLOAT              NOOP    fp_ws 
std D>F                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std F!                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F*                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F+                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F-                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F/                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F0<                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std F0=                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std F<                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std F>D                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std F@                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std FALIGN              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FALIGNED            NOOP    fp_ws 
std FCONSTANT           defdat  fp_ws 
std FDEPTH              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FDROP               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FDUP                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLITERAL            NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLOAT+              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLOATS              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLOOR               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FMAX                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FMIN                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FNEGATE             NOOP    fp_ws 
std FOVER               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FROT                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FROUND              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FSWAP               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FVARIABLE           defvar  fp_ws 
std REPRESENT           NOOP    fp_ws 
std DF!                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std DF@                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std DFALIGN             NOOP    fp_ws 
std DFALIGNED           NOOP    fp_ws 
std DFLOAT+             NOOP    fp_ws 
std DFLOATS             NOOP    fp_ws 
std F**                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std F.                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std FABS                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FACOS               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FACOSH              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FALOG               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FASIN               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FASINH              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FATAN               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FATAN2              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FATANH              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FCOS                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FCOSH               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FE.                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std FEXP                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FEXPM1              NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLN                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLNP1               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FLOG                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FS.                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std FSIN                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FSINCOS             NOOP    fp_ws 
std FSINH               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FSQRT               NOOP    fp_ws 
std FTAN                NOOP    fp_ws 
std FTANH               NOOP    fp_ws 
std F~                  NOOP    fp_ws 
std PRECISION           NOOP    fp_ws 
std SET-PRECISION       NOOP    fp_ws 
std SF!                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std SF@                 NOOP    fp_ws 
std SFALIGN             NOOP    fp_ws 
std SFALIGNED           NOOP    fp_ws 
std SFLOAT+             NOOP    fp_ws 
std SFLOATS             NOOP    fp_ws 
std (LOCAL)             NOOP    local_ws
std LOCALS|             NOOP    local_ws
std ALLOCATE            NOOP    malloc_ws
std FREE                NOOP    malloc_ws
std RESIZE              NOOP    malloc_ws
std .S                  NOOP    progtools_ws
std ?                   NOOP    progtools_ws
std DUMP                NOOP    progtools_ws
std SEE                 NOOP    progtools_ws
std WORDS               NOOP    progtools_ws
std ;CODE               resunk  progtools_ws
std AHEAD               NOOP    progtools_ws
std ASSEMBLER           NOOP    progtools_ws
std BYE                 NOOP    progtools_ws
std CODE                defusr  progtools_ws
std CS-PICK             NOOP    progtools_ws
std CS-ROLL             NOOP    progtools_ws
std EDITOR              NOOP    progtools_ws
std FORGET              NOOP    progtools_ws
std [ELSE]              NOOP    progtools_ws
std [IF]                bigif   progtools_ws
std [THEN]              NOOP    progtools_ws
std DEFINITIONS         NOOP    searchord_ws
std FORTH-WORDLIST      NOOP    searchord_ws
std GET-CURRENT         NOOP    searchord_ws
std GET-ORDER           NOOP    searchord_ws
std SEARCH-WORDLIST     NOOP    searchord_ws
std SET-CURRENT         NOOP    searchord_ws
std SET-ORDER           NOOP    searchord_ws
std WORDLIST            NOOP    searchord_ws
std ALSO                NOOP    searchord_ws
std FORTH               NOOP    searchord_ws
std ONLY                NOOP    searchord_ws
std ORDER               NOOP    searchord_ws
std PREVIOUS            NOOP    searchord_ws
std -TRAILING           NOOP    string_ws
std /STRING             NOOP    string_ws
std BLANK               NOOP    string_ws
std CMOVE               NOOP    string_ws
std CMOVE>              NOOP    string_ws
std COMPARE             NOOP    string_ws
std SEARCH              NOOP    string_ws
std SLITERAL            NOOP    string_ws


\ Revision history
\ 0. 1st release to guinea pigs via comp.lang.forth
\ 1. Added multi-line comment 0 [IF]. Colored CHAR outside definitions.
\ 2. December 30th, 2003 - 12:55 Dirk Busch (dbu)
\    - Added dpans-path to configure the path to the dpans-files
\    - Added multi-line comments (( )) and comment: comment; as used in Win32Forth
\    - HTML crashed on files with long lines (more than 80 char's) - fixed
\    - replaced <code> tag with <pre> (work's better with Netscape 6)